
Har haft en jätterolig dag med Torben!
Långpromenad (mot hans vilja), kaffe (han drack jordgubbsmilkshake) och massa diskussioner.

- But what could I say? I wouldn't want to live with me for that long!
- Come on, would you be a little bit confident, please?
- Well, I am an arsehole, but I am confident in that!

Han bor i sin flickväns lägenhet medan hon är hemma på semester
och vi hade precis pratat om hur mycket vi hatar att diska.

- So what did you buy her for her birthday?
- I bought a bracelet! I hate the english currency though, it was 400 punds, but that doesn't sound much.
- 400 QUID!!!? Oh, you could have bought her a dishwasher for that money!
- Yeah... I should have... I could use that... Oh, fuck, I can't do shit with a bracelet!!

- Well, think about it.
- OH MY GOD, they're all gay!


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